Tuesday 22 May 2007

home soon

Hello everyone

well what have i been upto lately , was suppsed to be doing a job in the local docks (sharjah) but we turned up and that was a total f**k up as the rigs were getting refurbished and were in such a mess that we just turned around and went back to dubai.
hence there is no work at the minute so im doing my bosiet course at the minute for 3 days ( http://www.rgitmontrose.com/training/course_info.asp?uid=7 )

though im not doing it aberdeen im doing it in abu dabhi in the UAE.Then i will be back to uk landing on fri morning 6:30 and if anyone wants to offer to pick me up from manchester airport so i dont have to get the train feel free to LOL

anyway catch up with everyone when im in england


Friday 18 May 2007

ho chi min city pics

photos from saigon

ho chi min city pics

here you go

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Wednesday 16 May 2007

ho chi min city

well finally got of the rig and had a night in ho chi minh city (formally saigon)
very hectic place reminds me of bangkok,our hotel was fasntastic and only $50 per night (paid for coutesey of ensco).
fisrt place we went to was the famous rex hotel which is the hotel that all the top officials stayed in during the viet war and its featured in all of the vietnam war films. http://www.rexhotelvietnam.com/

we then went looking for a bar to get a drink and well out of nowhere we found a bar called sheridans and it was an oustanding irish bar owned by a guy called mike from cork. only downfall it only sold guiness in bottles but at 1 quid a throw who's complaining. we asked mike to give us some places to go that night but he done one better and jumped in the taxi with us and came with us.
first bar was a tourist bar called apocalypse now and was dedicated to the film, outside there was a big sign abouve the door saying "charlie dont surf" god knows how they get away with that (bottles of heineken 50p haha) .
next we went to a mexican type live music bar and the vietnamese friend who owned it was a friend of mikes, he was the spiiting image of the guy in the film good morning vietnam, you know the gay veitnamese bar owner nad this guy was as gay as they come as well.
after two more bars which were just basic tourist bars with pool tables we headed back to his irish bar for a jamesons or two where we met thumper a viet veteran from australia who had never left since the war and had a viet wife, he also looked like anyone of the guys from zz top.

anyway next day we went to the biggest market in saigon called ben thanh market and it is the biggest fake suplier in asia supposedly. we went round and the stuff you could buy was amazing, i ended up buying a pair of jeans, some sunglasses and some presents for dawn (not going to say what as she will read this and spoil the surprise).

well after that eventfull day and a half we finally caught our plane from saigon to singapore and then to dubai at 5pm and finally touched down at 3am in dubai.

just two weeks left and then i will be back in uk (on thw 2nd of jun)

so see you all soon


Friday 4 May 2007

Hello everyone.

Still on rig ENSCO 97 in vietnam, after the debacle of our losdt luggage well ensco decided to lose our magnet which is essential for MPI inspection. After a few days scurrying around trying to find it and get it on to rig, the heliport wouldny fly it on the helicopter as it might effect the controls being a magnet amd all that.
they are going to send it by supply boat so we will be here for a few more days, try and drag it out till thursday as most of the american staff are going back home on thursday after a night out in ho chi min city and have told us we are most welcom to join them if we go off thursday ourselves (im sure we can be busy till then.

was supposed to be going singapore next but thats been canccelled so we might end up going to a land rig in yemen which should be fun.

just heard that a platform explosion has happened 15 miles from here, a platform is what the rig attaches to, lucky enough there was no oil rig threre but supposedly we haerd the platform had a gas explosion.

anyway more soon
