Monday 18 June 2007

sorry its been a while

sorry its been a while since i last posted.

well whats happened and where do i start.
the last few weeks i have been to brunei on ensco 51 oil rig. the flight out there was with royal brunei ailines and was 8hr flight which would have been ok but my entertainment screen didnt work and as the flight was full i couldnt change seats so for 8 hrs i watched the back of an airline seat.
the rig was ok, very small but ok, the food was exellent and one of the few rigs that promote healthy eating, each day a menu board had what was on offer and besides each meal it was rated 1 to 4 stars with 1 being most healthy in concern to fat and salt level to 5 being very unhealthy. i tried to stay around the 2* level. Also had an exellent gym which i took full advantage of.
we spent 8 days on rig then caught the 7am chopper back to dry land with the medic who was doing a visa run to malaysia, i went along for the ride and we ended up having 4 beers in malaysia at 9am in the morning in a roadside cafe, the thing is it just seamed normal to be doing that.

im now in duabi until next monday when im of to jakarta for 8 days then after that im of to mumbai in india for two rigs and then leave again.

now everyone knows how i hate the arrogance and ignorance of americans so dawn has decided that she wants to go to new york for her birthday so it looks like we are going to go with dave and miriam. i will go but i will just need dave to keep me in track because if any of those americans are arrogant and rude in the airport i wont be able to stop myself from saying something, i have already had to put a few rednecks in their place while on the rigs and wont hesitate to do it again. Dont get me wrong i have met some decent lads on rigs but a lot of them like to think they know everything even about my job and just wont admit they might be wrong for once.

anyway everyone speak soon


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